Everybody is Family
At Arise United Methodist Church, you'll find a warm welcome. We're people hoping to be used by God to do the extraordinary. We value gathering together as a Christian community, believing that we're at our very best when we work together to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Sunday services are 10 to 11 a.m.
The Arise Kids program for children preschool through fifth grade and a nursery for infants and toddlers are available during the service. Communion, which is open to all, is observed the first Sunday of the month. Dress is casual.

At your service
Food Pantry

Arise food pantry volunteers distribute boxes of food. If you are in need of groceries, simply come to the worship building during those hours to have your groceries delivered to you in your car.
10:30 a.m. to noon Saturdays. Closed May 10 (Barn Sale), Sept. 13 (DogFest) and Nov. 29.
Dog Park and Paws for Prayer Path
The Arise dog park is open free of charge. The approximately one-mile Paws for Prayer Path begins outside the dog park entrance.
Open daylight hours, Monday through Saturday; noon to dusk, Sundays

Bunny Trail Easter Egg Hunt

We welcome the Easter Bunny and everyone else who wants to join in some Easter fun for our Bunny Trail Easter Egg Hunt. There will be games, crafts and treats. There's no cost and no registration. Simply show up prepared to enjoy the festivities.
10 a.m. to noon, Saturday, April 12
Pathways class: Living Our Beliefs
"Living Our Beliefs" is open to all United Methodists in the district interested in better understanding our faith and our theology or who would like to become certified lay servants. The course will be taught by Pastor Jonathan Vitale and Steve Cary at Arise United Methodist Church. There's no cost. Refreshments provided; bring a lunch. email assistant@arisechurch.org to register or call 734-878-1928.​
9 a.m. to 3 p.m., April 5 (second session)