2025 Estimate of Giving

We use this estimate to guide our 2025 spending. If at any time life changes and you need to decrease or would like to increase this estimate, please do so. The closer this estimate is to your actual giving, the better we can manage our resources.

General Fund (funds all staff, utilities, programs and ministries that are not capital expenses)

I estimate my/our financial giving for 2025 to the General Fund will be:

Capital Fund (pays our mortgage, large capital purchases and maintenance items)

I estimate my/our financial giving for 2025 to the Capital Fund will be:


If you are unsure how you want to divide your giving between the two funds, the Finance Committee suggests that 75% go to the General Fund and 25% to the Capital Fund.

Please check the items that apply:
Non-financial ways to support Arise Church

Please keep in mind that you can also help Arise Church by simply recommending Arise Church to others. Each new person who attends Arise Church helps us grow. Another way you can support Arise Church is to increase your worship attendance.